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A Message From The Director of Family Learning and Engagement


It has been a great start to the school year. I wanted to review the school policies and procedures.

L’ Shanah Tovah


School Policies and Procedures


Saturdays use main entrance.  All our classes are located in the east end of the upper floor.  Students that arrive before 9:00 am have an assigned area to wait.  Two staff and madrichim walk up the students at 9:00 am. Students that arrive after 9:00 am are allowed to go straight upstairs (please escort younger students) and check in at the main desk in the upstairs hallway.  



Students KJ - 2 in SFT (family services) will be dismissed from there.  Students in grade 3 - 10 will be dismissed from the front hall. There is always staff supervision at arrival (from 8:55 am) and at dismissal.  Please be aware that we also have a security guard on site as well.  


Early Departure - Students

The school day ends at 12:30 

If early dismissal is required, the following procedure ensures the safety of our students:


  1. A written note from parents/guardian must accompany the student to the class or an email to

  2. Please make sure to indicate who will pick up the student, especially if it is not a parent. 

  3. Students will wait at the upstairs desk (with staff) when it is time to leave school to meet the parent/guardian who is picking them up.    


Parents please do not go to the classroom, sanctuary or chapel yourself for early pick up.


Wednesdays: Use Kol Ami entrance (North side)


Please arrive on time! 

We pack a lot into our time with your child so please ensure that they are ready to go at the start of program. That means 9 am/5:30 pm SHARP.



Our Admin team and teachers will take attendance each session. Frequent and/or patterned absences are tracked. We encourage and expect full participation in all of our programs. Poor attendance may affect your child’s ability to progress successfully through our program. We ask that you refrain from booking appointments and programs whenever possible during program times.  If it is at all possible, please let us know, by phone, e-mail or a written note if your children will miss class for any reason. Follow up phone calls will be made if there is a pattern of frequent absences.  


Emergency School Closing or Snow Days- 

Check Kol Ami’s website for updates.




Please ensure that snacks do not contain any of the following products: lard, shellfish or meat products.  This is in accordance with building policy and the laws Kashrut. 

In addition, we have participants with severe nut allergies - we cannot permit any snacks that may contain nuts & their by-products or those products with nut oils, into the building at any time.

 If you are sending food items to school, please check with the classroom teacher to see if there are any other food allergies in your child’s class group.


Shabbat Family T’fillah Gan-Grade 2 – 12:00 in the Chapel

Formal T’fillah Gr.3-6- 11:00am in the Chapel

We ask that all Gan- Gr. 2 parents join us in the Chapel for this important time of T’fillah.  Your child(ren) will be sitting with their class or they may sit next to you. Please arrive on time, find a seat and enjoy this half hour of prayer and song with your family.    


Collection and Release of Information-

Information is collected pursuant to the Education Act.  Limited information may be disclosed beyond the scope of Kol Ami.  This may include the release of students’ names, ages and grades, photographs, artwork, writing or other school related work to the media for publicity, displays, newsletters, etc.  Please complete the photo decline form that was sent home. 


Behaviour Policy-

If a teacher finds that a student is consistently unable to behave with Derech Eretz, and according to the rules of the classroom (e.g. disrupting the learning environment), the teacher will respond to small matters in class.


 If the student shows disrespect to the degree that the learning process cannot proceed, that student will be sent to the office to talk with the Director of Family Learning and Engagement  If a student is sent to the office frequently, parents and child will be asked to meet with the director and teacher. The student will not be able to return to class until a plan is in place. 



Thu, May 16 2024 8 Iyar 5784