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January Message from the Director of Family Learning and Engagement




I want to let you know about the exciting things we have coming up in our school in the new year. 


Progress Reports January 31: This will give you an idea of how your child is performing within the program.


Full School Prayers and Pizza: February 8, March 28, May 9


Rikudiyah (Israeli folk dancing) will start January 11 and is open to grade 3-6 students. 


Is your child interested in participating in the Rikudiyah dance festival taking place on Sunday March 29 at the Schwartz/Reisman Centre. Rikudiyah, the Israeli Folk Dancing Festival of Jewish Day and Supplementary Schools, is one of the key cultural events of the Jewish educational calendar. The festival celebrates Israeli music and dance and introduces these vibrant cultural arts to Toronto's Jewish children. 


Your children would participate in 1/2 hour rehearsals with Maya Cohen during religious school on Saturday mornings from January to March in preparation for the festival on March 29th. 



Please look for these upcoming announcements for events: 


Challah Covers: We had so much positive feed back about our Tallit making, we will be hosting an adult evening with Miriam Sharpe, for making hand painted Challa Covers in the new year.


Paint night: An adult evening out of creativity and socializing


Family Bowling: A fun Sunday of bowling with family and friends


Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784