Kol Kodesh
Kol Kodesh: The Voice of Holiness
A Campaign to Restore our Torah Scrolls
5774 - 2013
Talmud Torah k'negged kulam - study of Torah is among the highest of our Jewish religious obligations. Our Torah scrolls are at the heart of our identity as a Jewish community, and it is our obligation to care for them. This is the case with all of our Torah scrolls, but particularly with our Czech scroll, which survived the Holocaust, and which has been entrusted to us to preserve the legacy of a community that was destroyed.
The restoration of a Torah scroll is not only the fulfillment of a communal obligation; it is an opportunity for learning and spiritual growth for the entire congregation. To this end, we engaged the noted Sofer (Scribe) Neil Yerman to participate with our congregation in a process of education and Torah restoration. Throughout 5774, Sofer Yerman visited our congregation a number of times, to provide learning opportunities for every member – young and old - and to perform the necessary restoration work on our Torah scrolls. Some of our members were able to help Sofer Yerman embellish some letters with crowns, known as tagim.
Thank you to our Kol Kodesh supporters!
Mashivim - Restorers ($1800+)
Sheila and Ralph Cincinatus, In memory of family members who perished in the Holocaust
Barbara and Sam Frisz, In memory of our parents, Mary & Heinz Hinnecke and Szulim & Szandla Frisz
Howard and Marlene (z"l) Gotlib, In memory of Rose & Lou Gotlib and Lou & Essie Berman
Ron and Gina Lapsker
Elaine Page, In memory of the Jews of Brno
Atzei Chayim - Trees of Life ($1000+)
The Arnold/Monat Family
Jenifer and Jay Kowal
Janice and Tal Schierau
Susan and Mark Wolpert, In memory of Allan Kudlats and Maurice Wolpert
Karen Hecker & Jamie Sherman, In memory of Jamie's parents,Cy & Grace Sherman and in memory of Karen's father, Harvey Hecker
Dan & Betty Mair, in memory of Dan's father, Berel Mair
Machazikim - Those Who Hold Fast to Torah ($540+)
Wayne Haymer
Kathy and Barry Stein
Soferim - Scribes ($72+)
Dino Accettone
Rachel Adelson and Alan Breznick, In memory of our grandparents
Iris and Gerald Epstein, In honour of Rabbi Streiffer and Dawn Bernstein
Paula and Aviv Haras, In honour of Ricu and Sanda Haras
Ron Gordon, In memory of Estelle Gordon
Jeff Hohenkerk, In honour of Tamara and Arielle
Eva Kay, In memory of Rachel Bernstein
Eva & Marleine Kay and Alan Levin, in honour of Eva Kay's 88th Birthday, in memory of Rachel & Max Bernstein, in memory of Cecil Levin and Carly Levin.
Eve and Nathan Lipsyc, In memory of Myra Kates and Mary Lipsyc
Betty and Dan Mair, In memory of Berel Mair
Lisa Marcovici, In memory of Anna Marcovici
Karen and Auby Paikin, In memory of Jeanne Cahan
Carson Phillips
Mark and Tammy Shendroff, In memory of Mary Shendroff and Irving Copeland
Caryn and Shimmy Silver
Celia Stein, In memory of Irving Stein
Celia Stein, In memory of Marlene Gotlib
Shoshana and Micah Streiffer, In honour of Jeremiah, Noam, and Yair
Dean and Brian Stutz
The Weiner Family
Craig Wolkoff, In honour of Beryle and Ruth Wolkoff
Rachel Wolkoff, In honour of Bailey, Sophie, and Matthew Wolkoff
Shelley Yampolsky, In memory of Molye and Frank Yampolsky
Sandee & Ann Sharpe
Gary & Heather Slapack, in memory of Beverly Schwartz
Sheri Epstein & Jonathan Zweig, in honour of Zara and Jorey
Susan & Myron Kaminsky, in memory of Marlene Gotlib
Jerry & Joy Bernstein
Council of Jewish Women
Yulia & Yoseph Sharivker
Jane & Arthur Kalpan, in memory of Marlene Gotlib
Tomchim - Supporters ($18+)
Amek and Ruth Adler, In memory of our parents
Dawn and Barry Bernstein, In memory of Goldy Brock
Andrea Daiam and Fabian Levy-Hara
Lynda and Ralph Levenstein
Rabbi Jerry Steinberg