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"Shiru l'Adonai shir chadash - Sing unto God a new song!" (Psalm 96)

Shabbat services at Kol Ami are rich with music and tradition. Our clergy believe that the sanctuary should be musical, participatory, and informal. Our services are inclusive and fully egalitarian, and incorporate instruments, singing, and a mix of Hebrew and English.

Children are always welcome at services at Kol Ami. Babysitting is available during “Rock Shabbat” services for children who might need a break, but kids can be found in our sanctuary all the time.

Friday night services are held either at 5:30 pm (check our calendar) and may feature our wonderful choir or the rabbi's musical "Ruach Shabbat" (Spirit of Shabbat) service. Once a month, we dance in the aisles at Rock Shabbat!

Shabbat mornings are a busy time at Kol Ami. Kids gather for Hebrew School classes, and adults may come to Torah Study Breakfast (9am) and/or Shabbat morning services (10:30). NOTE: Times may change during the summer; please check the calendar.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784