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Judaism is a year-round affair! At Kol Ami, we celebrate each of the Jewish holidays in a way that is meaningful, accessible and participatory. Below is basic information about each holiday. For dates and more information about upcoming festival celebrations, please consult our online calendar or contact the office.


You shall live in booths seven days.”  (Leviticus 23:42)

On the festival of Sukkot, we dwell outside in temporary booths that remind us of the fragility of life and of the world. It is also a reminder of the journey from Egypt to Promised Land, and the temporary nature of our sojourn.

Sukkot is meant to be celebrated both in shul and at home, thus alongside our Sukkot service and dinner, which we offer as a joyous community celebration, many of our families choose to build their own sukkah in their backyard. If you have never built your own Sukkah, contact Rabbi Streiffer for tips on how to make it easy and fun.




At Kol Ami, we observe the Festival of Lights in style, with a musical, family-oriented service at which everyone brings their own menorah! Be sure to join us for our annual Night of 1000 Candles!




Simchat Torah

And you shall rejoice in your festival.” (Deuteronomy 16:14)

Once a year we celebrate Torah! On Simchat Torah, we complete the reading of the Torah, and start over again. It is a joyous evening of singing, dancing, and celebration – fun for the whole family! At Kol Ami, we supplement the traditional celebration with DJ dancing, food and fun. Not to be missed!

At Simchat Torah morning services, we recite Yizkor in memory of departed loved ones.



Mishenichnas Adar, marbin besimcha – When the month of Adar enters, we increase our joy!”

Purim commemorates the miraculous delivery of the Jews of ancient Persia from certain destruction at the hands of the evil Haman. At Kol Ami, Purim is a joyous family celebration marked by a carnival, games and prizes, the reading of the Megillah (Scroll of Esther), and our renowned Purim spiels! Past spiels have retold the story of Purim through the eyes of Glee, Grease, and others. You never know what might happen next!





Pesach, or Passover, is the celebration of freedom. The foods and customs of the Passover Seder commemorate the Exodus from Egypt, the passage from slavery to freedom, and the beginning of the journey toward the Promised Land.

Kol Ami holds festival morning services on the first and seventh days of the holiday. Yizkor is recited in memory of departed loved ones at Pesach morning services on the seventh day of the festival. We often hold a second night community seder, filled with music, traditions, and fun.

If you need a place to have Seder, please do not hesitate to call the Kol Ami office. We can help make a connection with one of our families.



On the 6th of Sivan, which falls in May or June, we commemorate the moment in which tradition says God handed the Torah to our people at Sinai. Special holiday services and celebrations often include a lavish dairy oneg and a late-night study session called Tikkun Leil Shavuot.

At Kol Ami, Shavuot includes the ceremony of Confirmation in which our Grade 10 class leads us in prayer, a celebration of the continuation of their Jewish education. Yizkor is recited in memory of departed loved ones at Shavuot morning services.



Wed, February 19 2025 21 Sh'vat 5785